Our Contribution to Earth
Why is contributing important to us
Socially-Conscious Leadership is a lonely vocation, especially because we are authentically ourselves and what we create continues developing as we continue evolving our growth and Positive iMPACT. Demanding that we work within a traditional system is a contradiction.
Our Socially-Conscious Leadership is important to create impactful and successful projects and to change the world from the inside-out.
We are a Movement that is continuously co-creating and co-evolving, confirming the importance of being, connecting and co-creating for the future of our earth.
Our Contribution
Every Socially-Conscious Change Maker should have the possibility to register to the Movement.
We know the difficulties anyone can endure when committed to create Positive iMPACT in reflection to who you are and what you create. Should someone not be able to pay the membership fees, we are open to review the specific cases.
This Movement contributes to a diversity of chosen causes through a percentage of the revenue of the events created by its members, and invites charity founders/leaders to join our movement and Marketplace for free.
By supporting the change makers with their projects, PiMOV sustains and reinforces their Positive iMPACT, abundance and Leadership skills. For everyone we work with, we together potentiate Positively iMPACT.
Your Support is Welcomed
45% of the revenue of the events are used to cover the administrative costs of this Movement, including the funding of upcoming Positive iMPACT Conferences to continue supporting, inspiring and empowering our members. 5% of the revenue of the events is contributed to a selected charity.
Should you want to support us in transforming this world into a Socially-Conscious earth, please do not hesitate to contact us or donate by clicking here.
All contributions will be used exclusively to build this Movement.