Positive iMPACT Talk with Arnaud Saint-Paul: "Find Harmony Within"

This is a very special Positive iMPACT Talks podcast episode in which we interview with Arnaud Saint-Paul, a conscious technologist, founder of the global social impact project "GIVE Nation", the creator of the Heartful Method®, and the author of the book 'I' is born. Watch the interview or listen to our podcast! #sociallyconscious #leadership #powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless

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Anna Amado: Socially-Conscious Leader - Passionately empowering women

Anna Amado is the founder of the charity Indian Futures, a UK-based charity that raises funds for quality education and women's empowerment in rural Tamil Nadu, South India. Anna is a Socially-Conscious Change Maker who respects and empowers other human beings through who she is and what she creates #powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitles

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