Conversation with Aleksandra Cichuta #PiMover - “We make a change through how we live and are”
We introduce to you Aleksandra Cichuta, a socially-conscious change maker and the co-founder of "INNER FIRE It Is”, an online platform solely dedicated to connect Londoners with London’s authentic and quality offers for mind/body well-being support. Aleksandra is also a member and Ambassador of our PiMOV Community. In this talk, we dive in in what it means to be a socially-conscious change maker and how this affects the creation and development of our projects!
INNER FIRE It Is and the Positive iMPACT Movement are projects that are very similar because they are based on the same force that we, human-beings, have to be and create what we love: our Power of Being (our Inner Fire). For us, Aleksandra is an example of how to expand your Power of Being through your project, and through your growth, creating the changes you want to see in the world.
This interview is also available as a Positive iMPACT Podcast episode: