Spiritual Beings Positively iMPACTING
Unsplash by Mohamed Nohassi
Some people think that being spiritual means meditating, doing yoga or following a guru, but in our opinion, this is not true spirituality. And, we Socially-Conscious Change Makers know that.
True spirituality is following ourselves, our inner guru.
It is living in dignity and integrity for who we are; It is respecting and valuing ourselves for who we are, wherever we are in our own path, to then project respect toward others and their choices, wherever they are in their paths; It is accepting with humbleness that we don’t know nothing. Nevertheless, we do our best to get to know ourselves and the world that surrounds us through the observation of our mind, our actions and reactions, and specially, through our inner guidance connected to our heart.
True spirituality is to be awaken; We Socially-Conscious Change Makers have awakened to live our life through who we are - from the inside-out.
True spirituality is to be awaken; We Socially-Conscious Change Makers have awakened to live our life through who we are - from the inside-out.
We are leaders, living by example and integrity, following our inner wisdom whilst respecting ourselves and others. For us, competition doesn’t exist anymore, there’s only collaboration by giving and receiving, empowering others to grow together. We follow our truth to create the change we envision for society, courageously expressing our being through our doing, our service, no matter what might happen to us by doing so, because who we are is non-negotiable.
Our Power of Being is fully potentiated; there is no way back anymore and we don’t want to go back either. Tapping into our Power of Being positively impacts, with whatever we do and no matter where we are.
This is what we mean with Positive iMPACT. It entails being awakened; to be in freedom and integrity for who we are; to respect and value ourselves and others; to collaborate to grow individually and in togetherness; and to be in service to what our heart projects us to create.
Anyone can positively impact. Anyone can become a Socially-Conscious Leader, including yourself.
Anyone can positively impact. Anyone can become a Socially-Conscious Leader, including yourself.
Willingness and commitment are necessary to change our mind, as well as an open heart wanting to expand in awareness and love for what we want to see around us. Nothing comes easily, and nothing will happen until we don’t change ourselves. Nevertheless, all is possible and we Socially-Conscious Change Makers know that!
We tap into our Power of Being to expand and positively impact to create the change we want to see. We do so individually through our service and together through collaboration.
Yes! We are spiritual beings who positively impact!
Dare to dream as big as Mandela! Connect, collaborate and grow for a better future.
Society needs more people like you!
#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾