Bea Johnson - The Mother of Zero Waste
Bea Johnson is a blogger and conference specialist of the world of Zero Waste. She was born in Besançon, France, and lives in the USA since 1992. After the economic crisis she and her family discovered the zero waste lifestyle.
Today, Bea Johnson published her book "Zero Waste Home" and gives conferences about this subject
Zero waste lifestyle is not about complicating your life, it is about simplifying it.
Zero waste lifestyle is not about complicating your life, it is about simplifying it. Bea has a full time job and if it was not for zero waste she would probably have a super hectic schedule. This lifestyle has simplified her life to really make what matters most out of it.
Her husband started a sustainability consulting company and she tackled the home. She started bringing grocery toats to the store instead of the plastic bags. Then she started bringing her own cloth bags to buy in bulk, which she made from old sheets. Then she thought that she could probably push it further and bring jars to the counter to eliminate the sheese/meat/fish wrappers. She even looks for fruit without the stickers.
Before, she used to buy lots of different products, as she listened to marketers who would tell her that we need a different product for everything we do: To clean the floor, the mirror, the bathroom or the kitchen, we need a different product. Once she started this new lifestyle, she questioned the need for all these products and eventually found out, that she did not need any of them.
To achieve a zero waste home, you just need to follow these 5 rules, in the below order:
Refuse what we do not need
Reduce what we do need
Reuse by swapping anything that is disposible for a reusible alternative and by buying second hand
Recycle only what we can not refuse, reduce or reuse
Back in 2010, she watched her husband bringing the trash can down with almost nothing in it and then she told him: "what about keeping our waste, to see how much waste we generate in a year?” That is when they started to put their trash in a glass jar and today they found that they only generate one of these glass jars per year!
At first, her husband was not really on board, because he said only one household of zero waste is not going to change anything. She proved him wrong: Thanks to her book and her blog she inspires thousands of people to adopt a zero waste lifestyle throughout the world.
You are the seed to change the world, just believe in it and follow your heart!
Bea is another example of starting with yourself to change the world. We have been told that we are just 1 person in this planet and that our actions are not going to change anything. Reality is that they do: By following your heart and doing what you believe in, your positive impact expands outwards to the people that surround you and to your community. Your actions will ultimately inspire others to follow you with what you do or make them create other ways of doing the same, and thus, positively transforming the world.
You are the seed to change the world, just believe in it and follow your heart!