What's so special about PiMOV?
Every day becomes clearer and clearer what differentiates our community from other communities around the world: you Socially-Conscious Change-Makers!
No, it’s not a cliché, we mean it for real!
You Socially-Conscious Change Makers are a special breed of people. You are tremendously sensitive to what happens outside and inside of you. You are highly empaths. This is to be observed by how you react with what happens around you and how this is then reflected inside of you. You listen and feel even if the persons in front of you have not opened their mouth. You are there, unconsciously scanning what is happening in front of you. For us, this is a very positive trait. It is very much linked to your intuitiveness. You are an amazingly powerful being!
Connect and share, because some times, there’s a reason of things happening which you have not considered.
Nevertheless, it many times moves your foundation, which leads you to revise what has just happened. You do so by retrieving yourself into your space to integrate the experience with the aim to search your way out on how to handle it. Some times, you exit your space with the gloriousness of having conquered the world to continue with your quest of becoming who you are and creating what you love. Other times, there’s difficulty in dealing with it since you might have felt disappointed. Yes, it happens once in a while. However, have you chatted with others like you about it?
You Socially-Conscious Change Makers are highly positive people, there’s always someone showing you another way out, another point of view of what has happened. Connect and share, because some times, there’s a reason of things happening which you have not considered. As you are empathic, you are also very adaptable and understanding. Just don’t let yourself succumb into the craziness of you mind, let your soul shine out for her to show you her way into your being and doing.
Thank you Francesco Carvelli for the chat and inspiration! ❤️
#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾