We invite you to join us every Tuesday 6:30 pm CET in our YouTube LIVE conversation about discovering your Power of Being.
Discover your Power of Being by practicing, experiencing and expanding, individually and collectively, through collaboration, evolution and iMPACT:
- Discover more about you by practicing being who you are in a safe, inclusive and judgemental-free community
- Potentiate your idea/project by connecting with people like you
- Experience and practice safely the freedom to be who you are
- Experience what co-creation is really about through our co-creative approach and by collaborating with our members and fellow participants
- Connect immediately with like-minded others and experience PiMOV with an all-inclusive 3 months baseline membership
- Belong to a community that primarily values and respects who you are
- Access all of our community baseline groups, events and content
Dare to dream as big as Mandela!
Connect, collaborate and grow for a better future. Society needs more people like you!