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PiMOV Collaboration Council - April

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This Collaboration Council has been created for our senior community members to reinforce the co-creation of the Positive iMPACT Movement.

Where: 🌎 PiMOV Community

Collaboration is PiMOV's Heart.

Collaboration connects PiMOV's pillars of Evolution and iMPACT, without it, there is no Evolution and no iMPACT, and there is no PiMOV.

The purpose of this workgroup (WG) is to together create the best collaborative approach for the Positive iMPACT Movement by co-learning, practicing and experiencing it.

This WG is lead by senior Members, who have committed to periodically assist to these sessions specifically designed to together define PiMOV's collaborative approach.

If you are not a member of our community, don’t hesitate to register by clicking below.