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Master-Workshop - PiMOV Collaboration

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As a senior Community Member, we proudly invite you to join these series of sessions, bundled into a Master-workshop.

Where: 🌎 PiMOV Community

Collaboration is PiMOV's Core.

Collaboration connects PiMOV's pillars of Evolution and iMPACT. And, without it, there is no Evolution and no iMPACT, and there is no PiMOV.  

In this Master-Workshop we will start by discussing what collaboration means for each of us to then continue co-creating this amazing space we call PiMOV. We are equal Socially-Conscious Leaders who have come together to learn on how to best collaborate to expand and positively iMPACT. Looking forward to seeing you in these sessions!

If you are not a member of our community, don’t hesitate to apply for membership by clicking below.