Stand for the Positive iMPACT Movement!
We are proud to announce that we just co-created the PiMOV badge, a logo that represents the Movement’s Manifesto through its Values and Principles for which we stand, and for which we’d love for you to stand, too!
We understand that the Positive iMPACT Movement is not for everyone, yet. It is a movement that entails a vision of the new world, where everyone is equally perfectly imperfect, living in freedom, safety and in oneness from the heart (from the inside-out), thriving through their uniqueness and through the co-creation for a better world for everyone.
There is no competition, there’s just collaboration through the authentic being and doing from each other. Socially-Conscious Leadership is birthed from it, because everyone is their own guru, and everyone is the guru for everyone else, through what they are and create. No-one is better then the other, everyone is themselves without possibility of comparison, because there’s no way to compare when there is a respect and no judgement for everyone else.
PiMOV’s Values and Principles highlight this way of being and doing. It is ingrained in our DNA; It is who we are and what we create with love, in how we value ourselves and everyone else, in the belief we hold in humankind, in the limitless potential that every single being has, in the love that unites us, in our authenticity and in our oneness.
These Values and Principles create our Manifesto. The one that each of you can stand for, because these are values and principles that belong to the new humanity: the new leaders who know that they do not know anything; those who love to empower others through their own growth and nurturing; leaders that carry others for everyone to grow together; change makers who are the change they want to see in the world, and who are the example and inspiration for many others to follow.
This is the new world where everyone is a Socially-Conscious Leader!
Start by signing the Manifesto and co-create this new world with us! To do so, just click on the image below.
#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless