Bob Burg #PiMaker - Inspiring through Positive Communication
Bob Burg is a #PiMaker, he shares and transmits the value of positive communication in all he does. He's the co-author of the book "The Go-Giver", with a simple yet uncompromising premise: moving from a focus on oneself to a focus on serving (bringing value to) others can make a person rich - both spiritually and materially - faster.
We read "The Go-Giver" and we loved it. We wrote a review on YouTooday's blog... but we had not chatted with Bob yet. Once we did: we loved the person behind the book! We've found someone very humble and grounded, someone with a perspective in life of gratitude and empowerment towards others, someone who inspires just by communicating. A #PiMaker from the heart.
How did you come to do what you do? What’s your personal background story?
"The Go-Giver hit the stands, and that took my speaking career into another direction."
After a couple of years in broadcasting (radio sports and television news) I got into sales. This was in the early 80’s. Not knowing anything about sales I floundered for a few months until I discovered books on the topic by people such as Tom Hopkins and Zig Ziglar. Back then they were the two titans of sales training and shared absolutely fantastic information through their books and audio programs. Utilizing their advice my sales quickly took off and I found that I truly enjoyed selling as a profession. And, within the field of sales there is lots of ancillary personal development which was also so beneficial to me, not just as a sales professional but as a human being in terms of how it helped me to learn and grow. Eventually, as my success in selling increased I began teaching it to others.
My main programs have typically involved sharing information on how to create business relationships built on genuine feelings of “know, like, and trust.” In 2008 John David Mann’s and my business parable, The Go-Giver, hit the stands, and that took my speaking career into another direction where, rather than the “how-to” type of teaching it became more about sharing a basic philosophy regarding how to conduct business. I’m extremely grateful for the privilege of doing what I get to do.
How do you feel you are positively impacting your society and environment?
I hope that what I share helps people (on both an individual and societal basis) become more productive and - just as importantly - feel genuinely good about themselves; more confident in themselves. And that they then pass that along to others.
What's your dream, your vision?
"A world in which people place more focus on positive communication."
My vision is a world in which people place more focus on positive communication, understanding that tact does not necessarily equal compromise. In other words, that you can disagree with someone and still speak to them with kindness, with tact, with respect…and without comprising your values. I believe that once we’re able to help a certain percentage of people understand this and begin communicating in such a way (and people see the results in terms of their own peace of mind, genuine happiness, and a greater ability to actually influence others) we’ll be on our way to a more peaceful and more productive society.
Do you feel you have found your meaning and purpose in life? Why?
My purpose in life - as far as I personally feel as though I understand it - is to help people feel genuinely good about themselves. This is something I saw my Dad doing for as long as I can remember, and I want to carry on his legacy.