Positive iMPACT Movement

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Andrew Funk #PiMover - empowering Homeless Entrepreneurs through his own change

Andrew Funk, passionate socially-conscious change maker, who has founded the NGO #HomelessEntrepreneur through his own change. He is a believer that anything is possible if we are committed to create the change. Andrew raises awareness around the globe through his project. Homelessness can happen to anybody and it’s a matter that affects all of us!

We heard about what Andrew does with his NGO #HomelessEntrepreneur a couple of years back. From there to now, he has evolved and so has his project. He’s now also part of our PiMov community. Andrew is a socially-conscious change maker - and a Positive Impact Creator #PiCreator - with a project that is part of who he is: He creates social change through his own change.. Check out his interview.

For more about Andrew and Homeless Entrepreneur, visit their site: homelessentrepreneur.org