The Path of the Positive iMPACT Movement
Walking the path of the Positive iMPACT Movement is exploring, creating and growing together in this quest of positive iMPACT making.
The beauty of walking this path is that you do it in togetherness, with the certainty that you are held and supported by your like-minded others in whatever you do.
The more you learn/un-learn to be who you are, the more you create what you love and the more you are positively iMPACTING through your being and doing.
The beauty of walking this path is that you do it in togetherness, with the certainty that you are held and supported by your like-minded others in whatever you do.
One of PiMOV's principles is that there is no right or wrong, everything and everyone is perfectly imperfect. As you walk this path, you explore, you experience, you practice and you expand individually and collectively.
Everyone has the same opportunities to explore and expand, the responsibility relies only in you. You have the option to experience what you believe grows you ad an individual, and you have the possibility to experiment and practice this doing.
There are no steps to follow to grow yourself, since your evolution is defined by you. You are unique and so is your path. Nevertheless, there's a whole community to co-evolve with you through the sharing of their being and doing with you.
Let's continue walking together to co-create a socially-conscious society through your freedom to be who you are and create what you love - your Power of Being!
Dare to dream as big as Mandela! Connect, collaborate and grow for a better future.
Society needs more people like you!
#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾