Positive iMPACT Movement

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Lorie Ladd - Uniqueness Empowering the Freedom to Be

Lorie Ladd is an author, spiritual teacher, and thought leader specializing in the evolution of human consciousness. She is a Socially-Conscious Leader, who empowers you through her being, and through her experience of what she has endured, to support you in your awakening into the freedom to be who you are.

Lorie is being the example of what she wants to see in the world. Every time she shows up, she explains her views and coaches people through her own experience. This is how she services others, through her own being.

She continuously observes herself, and courageously shares with the world her feelings, her thoughts and her transformation.

In her website, Lorie describes that she found her life purpose at 13, when she simply knew she would assist humanity through the miraculous and divine collective awakening. Not until many years later, she committed to this purpose when having lived several life “breaking” experiences that have made her the unique Socially-Conscious Leader that she is today.

The moment you embrace all of you is the moment you break free from fixing you. Do you think of yourself as broken? If you do, it is likely that you will always be looking for a fix and or a fixer. I welcome you into a safe and sacred space of being.“ ~ Lorie Ladd

She is being in integrity for who she is. No matter what. She shows up in vulnerability, with her ups and downs, walking her talk, sharing her being and experiences for others to grow through her, and to discover the limitless potential everyone has within.

For us Lorie is the personification of what it means to grow into your uniqueness, experiencing the freedom to be, and living from the inside-out.

She knows that every change starts from within, from the individual, and that the collective awakening can only be empowered through the individual’s discovery and experience of the freedom to be.

More about Lorie on lorieladd.com

#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾

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*This article describes our point of view to what we see in Lorie. We do not know her personally, but this is what she inspires us to write from what we have experienced from her power of being - her freedom to be who she is and to create what she loves.